Production of Ibero-American History Journals between 01/01/2023 and 02/28/2023

Abstract: In this report, we report on the titles of Ibero-American History journals that published new issues between November and December 2023. We also list the titles of books reviewed and published in these journals in the same period.
Keywords: Academic Journals of History, Books reviewed, Dossiers of Academic Articles.
In this text, we report on the launch of issues of academic journals in History, reviewed books and dossiers of articles published between January 1 and February 28, 2023. Our database is made up of 320 journals, distributed as follows: Argentine (47 titles) , Brazilian (217), Chilean (22), Colombian (13), Spanish (06), Mexican (07), Peruvian (01), Portuguese (02), Uruguayan (02) and Venezuelan (02). The sources of this information are expanded weekly and can be checked in list or mosaic. The release of summaries, book reviews and presentations of article dossiers are daily and can be followed here at this link.
Between January 1 and February 28, 2022, 36 new issues of Ibero-American History journals were published in Argentina (Córdoba and Santa Rosa), in Brazil (Belo Horizonte, Cascavel, Florianópolis, Fortaleza, Goiânia, Marabá, Natal, Niterói, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande, Salvador, São Cristóvão and São Leopoldo), Chile (Santiago), Colombia (Bogotá) and Mexico (Mexico). Periodicals (in general) cover various aspects of world history, from antiquity to the present day. They represent most of the publications listed, totaling about 40% of the total. One example is the magazine História, from São Paulo/Brazil, which in its January 2023 issue highlights the history of long-term epidemics.
Of the magazines that explain domains and audiences, we had launches in the area of history of education (5%). An example is the History of Education, by São Leopoldo, which in its 2023 edition explores the history of teacher training in Brazil. Publications were also launched that focus on social relations in their various dimensions, such as gender, class and ethnic relations, among others. They represent about 15% of the total publications listed. One example is Trashumante — Revista Americana de História Social, from Mexico City, which in its 2023 edition highlights the history of the struggle for women’s rights in Latin America.
The areas of theory and methodology of history were also contemplated in the last two months with the launch of new issues of Revista de História da História, from Goiânia/Brazil, which discusses the relationship between history and fiction, and Revista Fontes, from Aracaju/Brazil , which explores, among other subjects, a set of letters from an Italian immigrant in Brazil.
Profile of reviewed books
In the list of reviewed books (70 works), Spanish is the majority language (70%), followed by English (17%) and Portuguese (13%). One of the themes that can be observed is the history of education, present in Ruralization of teaching: ideas in motion and the movement of ideas (1930–1950), by Agnes Iara Domingos Moraes and A Educação do Corpo na Escolas do Rio de Janeiro. January of the 19th century, by Victor Andrade de Melo. Another topic on the list is the history of Latin America, which includes Fiscalidad iberoamericana, siglos XVII-XX. Transiciones, administrative and legal designs, by Luis Jáuregui and Carlos de Jesús Becerril Hernández, and Introducción a la historia de América Latina del siglo XX, by Renzo Bacca Ramírez.
Still within the theme of Latin American history, it is possible to observe the presence of books that specifically address the history of countries like Argentina and Mexico, as is the case of Libros y alpargatas. The peronization of UBA students, teachers and intellectuals (1966–1974), by Nicolás Dip, and The Mexican Senate and the reforms to the Constitution at the end of the 19th century, by Ángel Israel Limón Enríquez.
Another theme on the list is that of social history, which includes books such as Familias e infancias en la historia contemporánea: class hierarchy, gender and age in Argentina, by Isabella Cosse, and Ni calladas ni sumisas: Trasgresión femenina en Colombia/ siglos XVII -XX” by Mabel Paola López Jerez.
Finally, it is possible to observe the presence of books that address more specific themes, such as Going Underground: The Meanings of Death and Burial for Minority Groups in Israel, by Talia Shay, which deals with the history of death and burial in Israel for ethnic and religious minorities, and Pater infamis: Genealogía del cura pederasta en España (1880–1912), by Francisco Vázquez García, which addresses the history of cases of sexual abuse committed by priests in Spain in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. 20th century.
Dossiers of articles
Finally, the list presents several dossiers of articles (13) that address, for example, the relationship between Image and Power in Ibero-American politics, published in Autoctonía. Another dossier, released in the magazine Caminhos da História, deals with the connections between History and Music. The third dossier explores the Comintern’s activities in Latin America, focusing on its structures and characters, published in the journal Historia Mexicana.
Other topics covered in the list include academic history, the relationship between museums and memory, agrarian history, media history, protection of indigenous people, orality, denialism, religiosity, gentrification, death, gender and sexuality, discussed by the magazines Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura, Fronteras de la Historia, and Revista M, all published in January 2023.
Journal summaries
To cite this text
Informação Bibliográfica – 2. Crítica Historiográfica. Natal, v.3, n.10, mar./abr., 2023. Disponível em <>. DOI: 10.29327/254374.3.10-14
Obs.: In the inventory of journals and reviews, as well as the analysis of titles and in the first draft of material classification and writing of this text, Artificial Intelligence resources were mobilized (ChatGPT/Clarice). The review of these procedures and results, the final wording and the responsibility for the information, however, are attributable to the editors of Crítica Historiográfica and the blog Resenha Crítica.
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