Regional History without Borders – Verlaneyde Maniçoba de Sá Koch’s (PPGEAFIN/Uneb) review of “Brazil and Argentina in contemporary regional/local research: scales, periodizations and problems”, organized by Moiseis Sampaio and Sandra Fernándezba de Sá Koch
Abstract: The book addresses various regional historical and sociocultural issues in both Brazil and Argentina. Among the topics covered are: the construction of railways and their impacts on local economies and societies; lordship domination in the backlands of Bahia; sociability and cultural consumption in Rosario; criollo authority in travel letters from Santa Fe; life in the railway communities of San Cristóbal and Laguna Paiva; and the relationship between regional issues and armed organizations in Argentina during the 1960s and 1970s.
Keywords: Regional History, Local History. History of Brazil and Argentina.
Brazil and Argentina in contemporary regional/local research: scales, periodizations and problems, organized by Moiseis Sampaio and Sandra Fernández, was published in 2021 by Edufba. It is composed of contributions from four Brazilian researchers and professors (Moiseis de Oliveira Sampaio, José Jorge Andrade Damasceno, Jakson André Ferreira and Keite Maria Santos) and eight Argentines (Sandra Fernández, Micaela Yunis, Aldana Pulido, Paula Caldo, Ronen Man, Paula Sedran, Luisina Agostini and Laura Pasquali). The work deals with an evaluation of the regional history from the transformations that occurred in the middle of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century motivated by technological progress.
The eleven texts that make up the book are divided into two parts: five of them are in Portuguese and six in Spanish. By consuming this work, the reader will be able to better understand regional history in Brazil and Argentina, with an emphasis on Bahia, in addition to having a vision of the reality of the places described, their cultures and their distinct and unique ways of expressing themselves.
About the organizers, Moiseis de Oliveira Sampaio holds a PhD in History from the Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR) and a Master’s in Regional and Local History from the State University of Bahia (UNEB). Sandra Fernández holds a PhD in History from the Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR) and a Master’s in Social Sciences from the Faculdad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO). Sampaio is a professor in the History course at UNEB Campus I – Salvador and also in the Graduate Program in African Studies, Indigenous Peoples and Black Cultures (PPGEAFIN). Fernandez is a principal investigator at the Conselho Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Conicet) and director of the Unidad Ejecutora en Red Investigaciones Sociohistóricas Regionales (ISHIR) linked to the Conicet of the UNR. In addition, she is a titular professor of Regional History at the UNR and postgraduate professor at Argentine and foreign universities.
In the presentation, the organizers justify the demand for regional/local research in Bahia since the arrival of state universities with degree courses in History in the 1980s and, later, the Masters in Local Regional History in 1997. Justified through interaction with Mexico and contact with Latin American and Spanish historians, at the end of the 20th century, where research on this topic was already well developed and consolidated.
The first pages present an overview of the book’s content and, therefore, it is an important reference for those interested in researching Regional History. However, it fails to present a very long period in the first paragraph, which can hinder the reader’s understanding. There is also excessive and unjustified repetition of terms. These flaws can be easily corrected in a future edition.
“Regional History in Brazil: Balances, Perspectives and Reach”, by Moiseis Sampaio, is the first text in the collection. He describes regional/local history as an interdisciplinary topic, as it maintains relationships with cultural, geographic, economic, legal, administrative and socio-historical fields. The author reinforces the value of the HR field in the 20th century and confirms that the study on this topic has increased from 2020 onwards, suggesting that the world is becoming more nationalist and regionalized. However, he highlights the importance of being careful when choosing sources when dealing with regional issues. In the end, Sampaio warns researchers of this theme to consider the region as a place with its own characteristics, reduced dimensions, unique aspects and that allows differentiated analysis in comparison to the macro space. This is a well-written text, almost poetic, due to the gentle way in which the subject is approached. The language is clear and objective, making it difficult to paraphrase what the author said, as his words express it very well.
“Bahia and San Francisco Railway: Economic, political and social impacts on the villages and towns of the first section (1852-1863)”, by Keite Maria do Nascimento Lima, outlines an overview of the relationship between railroad, city and power in Alagoinhas and other regions covered by the “Bahia and São Francisco Railway”, such as Mata de São João, Pojuca and Santana do Catu, at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. The research highlights the urban transformations and the structuring of domination resulting from the implementation of railways in the Bahian countryside and presents the political, economic and social impacts on the sugar district areas. The text ends with a surprising result for the reader, the result of the author’s continuous effort and dedication. The chapter is written in a very didactic way and reflects the author’s engagement with the theme.
In “Stories and Memories of the City: Alagoinhas on the Trails of the “Railroad Era (1856-1896)”, José Jorge Damasceno presents the history of the city of Alagoinhas, from its time as a village to becoming a railway city, showing how its implantation was primarily responsible for the process of occupation and urbanization in the region. The text highlights the economic, political and social development in the city in the last decade of the 19th century, aiming to present what the city was like before it became prosperous, highlighting the impact of a railroad on the development of an area, facilitating access, exportation and import of products. The author emphasizes that the text was not written to be published in a scientific journal, which may explain the need for a review. Although the text is long and uses far-fetched vocabulary for a less experienced reader, it meets the proposed objectives.
In the fourth text, entitled “You will have my only iron: lordly domination in the backlands of Bahia – Morro do Chapéu, 19th century”, historian Jakson Ferreira analyzes the testament of one of the most influential men of Morro do Chapéu, in the 19th century, in order to understand how the manorial ideology and the policy of domination based on paternalism were present in the backlands of Bahia. Like all wills, the document presented the last wishes and orders of Colonel Quintino Soares da Rocha, the richest man at that time and in the region, according to Ferreira. The regional history in Bahia presented by Ferreira shows that the origin of the political power of family groups in the villages or parishes of the Province of Bahia was due to an economic base associated with land ownership, based on cattle raising and mining. The research presents in a detailed and well-written way a political structure interspersed with relations of favor, dependency and clientelism.
The fifth text, entitled “Scale, space, place: reflections on the regional/local perspective”, written by the Argentine Sandra Fernández, is the first to compose the second part of the collection produced by Argentine historians, and is expressed in Portuguese. In it, the author reflects on the period in which regional history gained more strength in universities, comparing regional and local spaces and the relationship between agro-export and the labor movement. Fernández alerts the regional history researcher to differentiate between scale, space and place. Metaphorically, she compares the research methodology in microhistory to a microscope that brings the gaze closer for a better understanding. Therefore, it must be extremely analyzed, as it will respond to the research results and delimit the object of study, essential scenarios to specify its contextuality. In other words, in regional and local research, it is necessary to understand the concepts of micro and space, to prioritize what to research, how and why. In this sense, the texts by Sampaio and Fernández dialogue and complement each other perfectly.
The text “La modernidad en escena: theaters, cultural consumption and sociability in Rosario (1850-1910)”, by Micaela Yunis, addresses the importance of theater as the main form of leisure and sociability in the city of Rosario, Argentina, in the second half of the 19th century. The objective is to examine the role of this art in its time of greatest ascension in Rosário as a space of sociability and cultural consumption in a crucial moment of urban and social changes. Yunis analyzes the theater in Rosario, in addition to its entertainment role and its functionality, showing the reader its arrival when the inhabitants were not yet ready to receive it. The text highlights the fact that theatrical activities were decisive in composing the cultural and social aspects of the city, as well as in the quest to project a modern and cultured society. As the city modernized, theater followed suit, says Yunis. This research revealed that theater as a cultural and social space is responsible for positioning the city as a cultural center on the international scene.
The research “Between Rosario and Mar del Plata, or the Sea Mirado since the llanura: Chronicles of sociability and leisure at the end of the 1920s”, by Aldana Pulido and Paula Caldo, presents an analysis of social practices related to leisure and rest in summers in Mar del Plata, Argentina, between 1920 and 1930, from the perspective of the newspaper La Capital de Rosário. It problematizes the entry and stay of tourists and non-tourists in privileged places, especially the differentiated treatment for the Argentine elites who spent the entire summer in the city. Due to the social and economic flow, the city became one of the most important places in Argentina at the time, thanks to the large flow of upper-class tourists who came to spend their holidays there and seek freedom. Although the authors said which subject they would address, the text gained a broad dimension. The writing fulfills what it proposes, but could be elaborated in a more attractive and objective way, without the presence of large direct quotations that occupy almost a page.
“A Methodological and Conceptual Equilibrium around Regional and Local Studies: Comparative Perspectives of Travelers on the Santa Fe Region”, by Ronen Man, presents a comparative analysis, from the perspective of History, in 1910, between the city of Rosario, in the south, and the capital Santa Fe. The research investigates the similarities and differences between these cities in terms of the constitution of their urban conceptions, not only from a discursive point of view, but also from a sociocultural and economic point of view, in order to deconstruct historiographical stereotypes and build a new context about the history of Rosário and Santa Fe. This research is relevant because it presents concepts and categories to approach local history, analyze practices, divergences and conflicts in the cities during this period and highlight points of tension and contrast through a synthesis of the history of the Santa Fe region. It is a long text, but rich in theoretical references and in an accessible language, although a little far-fetched. It is suitable for several areas of knowledge, making it a valuable read.
“Creole Authority on Morals and Civilization: The Place of Behaviors in Gabriel Carrasco’s Travel Letters – Santa Fé, Argentina, 1890”, by Paula Sedran, analyzes the representations about the behavior of European immigrants present in the work Travel Letters, From the Atlantic to the Pacific and An Argentine in Europe (1890a), by Gabriel Carrasco. Sedran considers the local-regional to be fundamental in this study, as he proposes to provide colonies to immigrants from the territory of Santa Fé. The author departs from the perspective of the search for the creation, production or interpretation of meaning, investigating what is said and what is not said about links, interactions and sustained and recurrent behaviors in Carrasco. It is worth mentioning that reading Carrasco’s letters can cause greater expectations in the reader than this text itself, since the author was more concerned with describing his source than his own research.
“The Railroad Communities of San Cristóbal and Laguna Paiva: Railroad Work, Sociabilities and Practices between 1920 and 1940”, by Luisina Agostini, highlights the importance of railroad communities as responsible for boosting the region’s economy and strengthening socioeconomic nuclei in regional railroad development . Its objective is to portray the structure of the collective materiality of the railroad work during the period in which the railroad workshops of Santa Fé experienced important urban, union, cultural, educational and political advances.
To do so, she revisits the history and geographic characteristics of the localities, both during times of prosperity and times of decline. The text demonstrates that, despite the economic and political oscillations of Argentine history in the 20th century, where railway policies were not lasting and beneficial for workers, the study of railway communities is significant because it reflects the local identity of individuals who knew how to transmit experiences of work and social engagement to their descendants. Although written in a non-linear way, the text does not impair comprehension. Its structure follows the pattern of a project, presenting all points sequentially. It is a short text, but rich in information, written in a clear language, with some technical terms.
The last text is by Laura Pasquali: “The Imprint of the Regional Question in the Study of Armed Organizations During the 1960s and 1970s in Argentina”. Its objective is to analyze the regional space, the formation of the guerrillas, the development of fronts and armed actions, and to relate these aspects to other organizations, to the quantitative and qualitative growth, to the positioning before the political and social reality, both national and international, and to the logics in which the local and regional space had influence. The author presents an overview and a relationship between parties and armed organizations in Argentina between 1960 and 1970, in order to problematize around the regional/local particularities of militancy. She describes how the popular and workers’ armed conflicts brought economic damage to the country, but on the other hand, marked the distinctions of regional militancy in opposition to the military regime. The text is not as clear as the others, because it requires a broader knowledge of the topic in question, but it is as relevant as the others, mainly because it allows understanding social movements as a way of not remaining silent in the face of social injustices.
This review was not intended to rank or classify the collection. All authors deserve mention for their commitment to writing, study, data collection, clarity and excellent contribution to the field of regional research in Bahia. The same can be said of Argentine historians, who brought their rich history to our knowledge and social context. In summary, the book is an analysis tool for regional research scholars, as well as a source of historical information about Rosario and Santa Fe, Argentina. It is possible to say that this work resembles a Historical Guide, from the middle of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century, about the interior of Bahia, more precisely Alagoinhas and Morro do Chapéu, and of Argentina, due to the rich detail that the authors make carefully for us. Some texts even deal with the same subject, but each one presents its uniqueness.
Summary of Brasil e Argentina na pesquisa regional/local contemporânea: escalas, periodizações e problemas
1. História regional no Brasil balanço, perspectivas e alcance | Moiseis Sampaio
2. Bahia and San Francisco Railway, a ferrovia que rasgou o interior baiano impactos econômicos, políticos e sociais nas vilas e povoados do primeiro trecho (1852-1863) | Keite Maria do Nascimento Lima
3. Histórias e memórias da cidade Alagoinhas nas trilhas da “era das ferrovias” (1856-1896) | José Jorge Damasceno
4. “Terá o meu único ferro” dominação senhorial no sertão baiano – Morro do Chapéu, século XIX | Jackson Ferreira
5. Escala, espaço, lugar reflexões sobre a perspectiva regional/local | Sandra Fernández
6. La modernidad en escena teatros, consumos culturales y sociabilidad en Rosario (1850-1910) | Micaela Yunis
7. Entre Rosario y Mar del Plata o el mar mirado desde la llanura… crónicas de sociabilidad y ocio a fines de la década de 1920 | Aldana Pulido Paula Caldo
8. Un balance metodológico y conceptual entorno a los estudios regionales y locales perspectivas comparadas de viajeros sobre el ámbito regional santafesino | Ronen Man
9. Autoridad criolla sobre moral y civilización el lugar de los comportamientos en las cartas de viaje de Gabriel Carrasco – Santa Fe, Argentina, 1890 | Paula Sedran
10. Las comunidades ferroviarias de San Cristóbal y Laguna Paiva trabajo ferroviario, sociabilidades y prácticas entre 1920 y 1940 | Luisina Agostini
11. La impronta de la cuestión regional en el estudio de las organizaciones armadas durante las décadas de 1960 y 1970 en Argentina | Laura Pasquali
SAMPAIO, Moiseis de Oliveira; FERNÁNDEZ, Sandra (Orgs). Brasil e Argentina na pesquisa regional/local contemporânea: escalas, periodizações e problemas. Salvador: Edufba, 2021. 316p. Resenha de: KOCH, Verlaneyde Maniçoba de Sá. Regional e sem fronteiras. Crítica Historiográfica. Natal, v.3, n.10, mar./abr., 2023. Disponível em <> DOI: 10.29327/254374.3.10-7
Regional History without Borders – Verlaneyde Maniçoba de Sá Koch’s (PPGEAFIN/Uneb) review of “Brazil and Argentina in contemporary regional/local research: scales, periodizations and problems”, organized by Moiseis Sampaio and Sandra Fernándezba de Sá Koch
Abstract: The book addresses various regional historical and sociocultural issues in both Brazil and Argentina. Among the topics covered are: the construction of railways and their impacts on local economies and societies; lordship domination in the backlands of Bahia; sociability and cultural consumption in Rosario; criollo authority in travel letters from Santa Fe; life in the railway communities of San Cristóbal and Laguna Paiva; and the relationship between regional issues and armed organizations in Argentina during the 1960s and 1970s.
Keywords: Regional History, Local History. History of Brazil and Argentina.
Brazil and Argentina in contemporary regional/local research: scales, periodizations and problems, organized by Moiseis Sampaio and Sandra Fernández, was published in 2021 by Edufba. It is composed of contributions from four Brazilian researchers and professors (Moiseis de Oliveira Sampaio, José Jorge Andrade Damasceno, Jakson André Ferreira and Keite Maria Santos) and eight Argentines (Sandra Fernández, Micaela Yunis, Aldana Pulido, Paula Caldo, Ronen Man, Paula Sedran, Luisina Agostini and Laura Pasquali). The work deals with an evaluation of the regional history from the transformations that occurred in the middle of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century motivated by technological progress.
The eleven texts that make up the book are divided into two parts: five of them are in Portuguese and six in Spanish. By consuming this work, the reader will be able to better understand regional history in Brazil and Argentina, with an emphasis on Bahia, in addition to having a vision of the reality of the places described, their cultures and their distinct and unique ways of expressing themselves.
About the organizers, Moiseis de Oliveira Sampaio holds a PhD in History from the Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR) and a Master’s in Regional and Local History from the State University of Bahia (UNEB). Sandra Fernández holds a PhD in History from the Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR) and a Master’s in Social Sciences from the Faculdad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO). Sampaio is a professor in the History course at UNEB Campus I – Salvador and also in the Graduate Program in African Studies, Indigenous Peoples and Black Cultures (PPGEAFIN). Fernandez is a principal investigator at the Conselho Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Conicet) and director of the Unidad Ejecutora en Red Investigaciones Sociohistóricas Regionales (ISHIR) linked to the Conicet of the UNR. In addition, she is a titular professor of Regional History at the UNR and postgraduate professor at Argentine and foreign universities.
In the presentation, the organizers justify the demand for regional/local research in Bahia since the arrival of state universities with degree courses in History in the 1980s and, later, the Masters in Local Regional History in 1997. Justified through interaction with Mexico and contact with Latin American and Spanish historians, at the end of the 20th century, where research on this topic was already well developed and consolidated.
The first pages present an overview of the book’s content and, therefore, it is an important reference for those interested in researching Regional History. However, it fails to present a very long period in the first paragraph, which can hinder the reader’s understanding. There is also excessive and unjustified repetition of terms. These flaws can be easily corrected in a future edition.
“Regional History in Brazil: Balances, Perspectives and Reach”, by Moiseis Sampaio, is the first text in the collection. He describes regional/local history as an interdisciplinary topic, as it maintains relationships with cultural, geographic, economic, legal, administrative and socio-historical fields. The author reinforces the value of the HR field in the 20th century and confirms that the study on this topic has increased from 2020 onwards, suggesting that the world is becoming more nationalist and regionalized. However, he highlights the importance of being careful when choosing sources when dealing with regional issues. In the end, Sampaio warns researchers of this theme to consider the region as a place with its own characteristics, reduced dimensions, unique aspects and that allows differentiated analysis in comparison to the macro space. This is a well-written text, almost poetic, due to the gentle way in which the subject is approached. The language is clear and objective, making it difficult to paraphrase what the author said, as his words express it very well.
“Bahia and San Francisco Railway: Economic, political and social impacts on the villages and towns of the first section (1852-1863)”, by Keite Maria do Nascimento Lima, outlines an overview of the relationship between railroad, city and power in Alagoinhas and other regions covered by the “Bahia and São Francisco Railway”, such as Mata de São João, Pojuca and Santana do Catu, at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. The research highlights the urban transformations and the structuring of domination resulting from the implementation of railways in the Bahian countryside and presents the political, economic and social impacts on the sugar district areas. The text ends with a surprising result for the reader, the result of the author’s continuous effort and dedication. The chapter is written in a very didactic way and reflects the author’s engagement with the theme.
In “Stories and Memories of the City: Alagoinhas on the Trails of the “Railroad Era (1856-1896)”, José Jorge Damasceno presents the history of the city of Alagoinhas, from its time as a village to becoming a railway city, showing how its implantation was primarily responsible for the process of occupation and urbanization in the region. The text highlights the economic, political and social development in the city in the last decade of the 19th century, aiming to present what the city was like before it became prosperous, highlighting the impact of a railroad on the development of an area, facilitating access, exportation and import of products. The author emphasizes that the text was not written to be published in a scientific journal, which may explain the need for a review. Although the text is long and uses far-fetched vocabulary for a less experienced reader, it meets the proposed objectives.
In the fourth text, entitled “You will have my only iron: lordly domination in the backlands of Bahia – Morro do Chapéu, 19th century”, historian Jakson Ferreira analyzes the testament of one of the most influential men of Morro do Chapéu, in the 19th century, in order to understand how the manorial ideology and the policy of domination based on paternalism were present in the backlands of Bahia. Like all wills, the document presented the last wishes and orders of Colonel Quintino Soares da Rocha, the richest man at that time and in the region, according to Ferreira. The regional history in Bahia presented by Ferreira shows that the origin of the political power of family groups in the villages or parishes of the Province of Bahia was due to an economic base associated with land ownership, based on cattle raising and mining. The research presents in a detailed and well-written way a political structure interspersed with relations of favor, dependency and clientelism.
The fifth text, entitled “Scale, space, place: reflections on the regional/local perspective”, written by the Argentine Sandra Fernández, is the first to compose the second part of the collection produced by Argentine historians, and is expressed in Portuguese. In it, the author reflects on the period in which regional history gained more strength in universities, comparing regional and local spaces and the relationship between agro-export and the labor movement. Fernández alerts the regional history researcher to differentiate between scale, space and place. Metaphorically, she compares the research methodology in microhistory to a microscope that brings the gaze closer for a better understanding. Therefore, it must be extremely analyzed, as it will respond to the research results and delimit the object of study, essential scenarios to specify its contextuality. In other words, in regional and local research, it is necessary to understand the concepts of micro and space, to prioritize what to research, how and why. In this sense, the texts by Sampaio and Fernández dialogue and complement each other perfectly.
The text “La modernidad en escena: theaters, cultural consumption and sociability in Rosario (1850-1910)”, by Micaela Yunis, addresses the importance of theater as the main form of leisure and sociability in the city of Rosario, Argentina, in the second half of the 19th century. The objective is to examine the role of this art in its time of greatest ascension in Rosário as a space of sociability and cultural consumption in a crucial moment of urban and social changes. Yunis analyzes the theater in Rosario, in addition to its entertainment role and its functionality, showing the reader its arrival when the inhabitants were not yet ready to receive it. The text highlights the fact that theatrical activities were decisive in composing the cultural and social aspects of the city, as well as in the quest to project a modern and cultured society. As the city modernized, theater followed suit, says Yunis. This research revealed that theater as a cultural and social space is responsible for positioning the city as a cultural center on the international scene.
The research “Between Rosario and Mar del Plata, or the Sea Mirado since the llanura: Chronicles of sociability and leisure at the end of the 1920s”, by Aldana Pulido and Paula Caldo, presents an analysis of social practices related to leisure and rest in summers in Mar del Plata, Argentina, between 1920 and 1930, from the perspective of the newspaper La Capital de Rosário. It problematizes the entry and stay of tourists and non-tourists in privileged places, especially the differentiated treatment for the Argentine elites who spent the entire summer in the city. Due to the social and economic flow, the city became one of the most important places in Argentina at the time, thanks to the large flow of upper-class tourists who came to spend their holidays there and seek freedom. Although the authors said which subject they would address, the text gained a broad dimension. The writing fulfills what it proposes, but could be elaborated in a more attractive and objective way, without the presence of large direct quotations that occupy almost a page.
“A Methodological and Conceptual Equilibrium around Regional and Local Studies: Comparative Perspectives of Travelers on the Santa Fe Region”, by Ronen Man, presents a comparative analysis, from the perspective of History, in 1910, between the city of Rosario, in the south, and the capital Santa Fe. The research investigates the similarities and differences between these cities in terms of the constitution of their urban conceptions, not only from a discursive point of view, but also from a sociocultural and economic point of view, in order to deconstruct historiographical stereotypes and build a new context about the history of Rosário and Santa Fe. This research is relevant because it presents concepts and categories to approach local history, analyze practices, divergences and conflicts in the cities during this period and highlight points of tension and contrast through a synthesis of the history of the Santa Fe region. It is a long text, but rich in theoretical references and in an accessible language, although a little far-fetched. It is suitable for several areas of knowledge, making it a valuable read.
“Creole Authority on Morals and Civilization: The Place of Behaviors in Gabriel Carrasco’s Travel Letters – Santa Fé, Argentina, 1890”, by Paula Sedran, analyzes the representations about the behavior of European immigrants present in the work Travel Letters, From the Atlantic to the Pacific and An Argentine in Europe (1890a), by Gabriel Carrasco. Sedran considers the local-regional to be fundamental in this study, as he proposes to provide colonies to immigrants from the territory of Santa Fé. The author departs from the perspective of the search for the creation, production or interpretation of meaning, investigating what is said and what is not said about links, interactions and sustained and recurrent behaviors in Carrasco. It is worth mentioning that reading Carrasco’s letters can cause greater expectations in the reader than this text itself, since the author was more concerned with describing his source than his own research.
“The Railroad Communities of San Cristóbal and Laguna Paiva: Railroad Work, Sociabilities and Practices between 1920 and 1940”, by Luisina Agostini, highlights the importance of railroad communities as responsible for boosting the region’s economy and strengthening socioeconomic nuclei in regional railroad development . Its objective is to portray the structure of the collective materiality of the railroad work during the period in which the railroad workshops of Santa Fé experienced important urban, union, cultural, educational and political advances.
To do so, she revisits the history and geographic characteristics of the localities, both during times of prosperity and times of decline. The text demonstrates that, despite the economic and political oscillations of Argentine history in the 20th century, where railway policies were not lasting and beneficial for workers, the study of railway communities is significant because it reflects the local identity of individuals who knew how to transmit experiences of work and social engagement to their descendants. Although written in a non-linear way, the text does not impair comprehension. Its structure follows the pattern of a project, presenting all points sequentially. It is a short text, but rich in information, written in a clear language, with some technical terms.
The last text is by Laura Pasquali: “The Imprint of the Regional Question in the Study of Armed Organizations During the 1960s and 1970s in Argentina”. Its objective is to analyze the regional space, the formation of the guerrillas, the development of fronts and armed actions, and to relate these aspects to other organizations, to the quantitative and qualitative growth, to the positioning before the political and social reality, both national and international, and to the logics in which the local and regional space had influence. The author presents an overview and a relationship between parties and armed organizations in Argentina between 1960 and 1970, in order to problematize around the regional/local particularities of militancy. She describes how the popular and workers’ armed conflicts brought economic damage to the country, but on the other hand, marked the distinctions of regional militancy in opposition to the military regime. The text is not as clear as the others, because it requires a broader knowledge of the topic in question, but it is as relevant as the others, mainly because it allows understanding social movements as a way of not remaining silent in the face of social injustices.
This review was not intended to rank or classify the collection. All authors deserve mention for their commitment to writing, study, data collection, clarity and excellent contribution to the field of regional research in Bahia. The same can be said of Argentine historians, who brought their rich history to our knowledge and social context. In summary, the book is an analysis tool for regional research scholars, as well as a source of historical information about Rosario and Santa Fe, Argentina. It is possible to say that this work resembles a Historical Guide, from the middle of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century, about the interior of Bahia, more precisely Alagoinhas and Morro do Chapéu, and of Argentina, due to the rich detail that the authors make carefully for us. Some texts even deal with the same subject, but each one presents its uniqueness.
Summary of Brasil e Argentina na pesquisa regional/local contemporânea: escalas, periodizações e problemas
1. História regional no Brasil balanço, perspectivas e alcance | Moiseis Sampaio
2. Bahia and San Francisco Railway, a ferrovia que rasgou o interior baiano impactos econômicos, políticos e sociais nas vilas e povoados do primeiro trecho (1852-1863) | Keite Maria do Nascimento Lima
3. Histórias e memórias da cidade Alagoinhas nas trilhas da “era das ferrovias” (1856-1896) | José Jorge Damasceno
4. “Terá o meu único ferro” dominação senhorial no sertão baiano – Morro do Chapéu, século XIX | Jackson Ferreira
5. Escala, espaço, lugar reflexões sobre a perspectiva regional/local | Sandra Fernández
6. La modernidad en escena teatros, consumos culturales y sociabilidad en Rosario (1850-1910) | Micaela Yunis
7. Entre Rosario y Mar del Plata o el mar mirado desde la llanura… crónicas de sociabilidad y ocio a fines de la década de 1920 | Aldana Pulido Paula Caldo
8. Un balance metodológico y conceptual entorno a los estudios regionales y locales perspectivas comparadas de viajeros sobre el ámbito regional santafesino | Ronen Man
9. Autoridad criolla sobre moral y civilización el lugar de los comportamientos en las cartas de viaje de Gabriel Carrasco – Santa Fe, Argentina, 1890 | Paula Sedran
10. Las comunidades ferroviarias de San Cristóbal y Laguna Paiva trabajo ferroviario, sociabilidades y prácticas entre 1920 y 1940 | Luisina Agostini
11. La impronta de la cuestión regional en el estudio de las organizaciones armadas durante las décadas de 1960 y 1970 en Argentina | Laura Pasquali
SAMPAIO, Moiseis de Oliveira; FERNÁNDEZ, Sandra (Orgs). Brasil e Argentina na pesquisa regional/local contemporânea: escalas, periodizações e problemas. Salvador: Edufba, 2021. 316p. Resenha de: KOCH, Verlaneyde Maniçoba de Sá. Regional e sem fronteiras. Crítica Historiográfica. Natal, v.3, n.10, mar./abr., 2023. Disponível em <> DOI: 10.29327/254374.3.10-7
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Crítica Historiográfica não cobra taxas para submissão, publicação ou uso dos artigos. Os leitores podem baixar, copiar, distribuir, imprimir os textos para fins não comerciais, desde que citem a fonte.
Somos professore(a)s do ensino superior brasileiro, especializado(a)s em mais de duas dezenas de áreas relacionadas à reflexão, produção e usos da História. Faça parte dessa equipe.
As resenhas devem expressar avaliações de livros ou de dossiês de revistas acadêmicas autodesignadas como "de História". Conheça as normas e envie-nos o seu texto.