Song of the forgotten rebel — Danilo dos Santos Rabelo’s (PPGD-UNB) review of “Negro sou: a questão étnico-racial e o Brasil – ensaios, artigos e outros textos (1949–1973)” by Guerreiro Ramos, organized by Muryatan S. Barbosa

Alberto Guerreiro Ramos | Image: Ramos family collection/DW

Resumo: Negro sou: a questão étnico-racial e o Brasil – ensaios, artigos e outros textos (1949–1973), organizado por Muryatan S. Barbosa, é uma compilação de textos de Alberto Guerreiro Ramos que explora a questão étnico-racial e o Brasil entre 1949 e 1973. A obra ressalta a contribuição de Guerreiro Ramos nos debates raciais e sociais. Apesar de algumas inconsistências na seleção e apresentação dos textos, a coletânea oferece uma visão de suas ideias e contribuições ao debate sobre a opressão racial e a formação nacional/colonial no Brasil.

Palavras-chave: Guerreiro Ramos, Negro, Questão Étnico-Racial.

Abstract: Negro sou: a questão étnico-racial e o Brasil – ensaios, artigos e outros textos (1949–1973), organized by Muryatan S. Barbosa, is a compilation of texts by Alberto Guerreiro Ramos that explores the ethnic-racial issue and Brazil between 1949 and 1973. The work highlights Guerreiro Ramos’ contribution to racial and social debates. Despite some inconsistencies in the selection and presentation of the texts, the collection offers a vision of his ideas and contributions to the debate on racial oppression and national/colonial formation in Brazil.

Keywords: Guerreiro Ramos, Black, Ethnic-Racial Issue.

Alberto Guerreiro Ramos (1915–1982), born in Santo Amaro da Purificação, Bahia, was a black intellectual with varied professional activities: he was a sociologist, professor, public servant and Federal Deputy. Between the forties and sixties, he actively participated in academic and political debates on proposals that considered Brazilian social/racial formation and national development through an authentic and engaged theoretical interpretation. Guerreiro Ramos conjectured a project for Brazil. Muryatan Barbosa, the book’s organizer, is a historian and professor at the University of the Federal University of ABC and author of Guerreiro Ramos e o personalismo negro (2015). Negro sou: a questão étnico-racial e o Brasil – ensaios, artigos e outros textos (1949–1973) is made up of twenty-nine publications by Guerreiro Ramos, produced between 1949 and 1973, a period that spans from the beginning of his public involvement in racial issues until his exile, during the military dictatorship, in the south of the United States. The set brings together articles, essays, speeches collected in newspapers and in some scattered works. At this time of growth in editorial publications on the racial debate with gradual insertion in academia, the republication of Guerreiro Ramos’ production is essential and was celebrated by all those who had been waiting for it for a long time.

The collection is preceded by a presentation written by Muryatan Barbosa. It deals with the biography of Guerreiro Ramos, a summary of his main ideas, the reception of the ideas in that scenario, as well as the organizer’s interpretation of them. As this critical review is about the work Negro Sou which, although composed of warrior texts, will be constructed by textual choices and temporal cuts by the organizer, the presentation was taken as a reference for a dialogue with several texts from the collection. Thus, four main topics are raised and debated in this review: 1. the composition of the work’s texts and their order of presentation; 2. the construction of Guerreiro Ramos as a black intellectual and his approach to the racial debate; 3. an examination between the dialectical praxis of Guerreiro Ramos and the thesis of black personalism proposed by the organizer; 4. the dispute surrounding Guerreiro Ramos’ political-economic understanding.

The selection of texts is not very well explained. It is not known whether the writings on racial issues were excluded due to editorial limits or whether the twenty-nine texts are the result of everything that was located from Guerreiro Ramos’ writings on the topic during the period. Furthermore, after the last text (“The artistic faith of Abdias Nascimento”), the work ends. It does not have a conclusion or even an afterword. As Guerreiro Ramos was a black intellectual who has not had his main works republished for almost thirty years, most of the readers of this collection will probably have their first contact with the author. This greater care and detail would have the effect of enabling the reader to have a greater understanding of the warrior categories, the texts, the contexts, the classic clashes between Guerreiro Ramos and Florestan Fernandes (Bariani, 2006; Souza, 2009, p.101), Gilberto Freyre (Carvalho, 2008), Arthur Ramos (Ramos, 1995, p.187) and Álvaro Vieira Pinto (Ramos, 2016, p.263). There is also no explanation of the reasons for presenting the texts in their chronological order. This provision cannot be taken as a trivial matter, after all there are twenty-nine texts, with themes and textual modalities that differ from each other, in thematic and temporal terms.

Having commented on the composition and arrangement of the work’s texts, we move on to the debate around the second topic. The organizer highlights that, “centered on the ethnic-racial issue, the book may give the erroneous impression that in the 1950s and 1960s Guerreiro Ramos was recognized as a black intellectual and/or black militant” (p.13–14). At this point, it would be important for some evidence to be presented to strengthen the compendiator’s claim. In the sequence, it simply provides an inventory that demonstrates that Guerreiro Ramos also acted and wrote in other themes and fields. This fact would not make his recognition as a black intellectual impossible. It would be essentializing what a “black intellectual” is and what he could study and write, in isolation, to acquire such an adjective. It is worth remembering that Guerreiro Ramos was impeached and exiled by the Military Dictatorship of 1964 under the justification of being “mulatto, a sociologist” (p.18).

This same inconsistency is verified when presenting the crossing of the racial debate in Guerreiro Ramos. The organizer points out that Guerreiro was afraid of promoting “reverse racism” (p.21). This proposition, based on slippery moral/subjective criteria, seems to contrast with the pioneering of the guerrerian interpretation of white Brazilians (p.225–252), with the construction of black people as a place from which Brazil could be interpreted (Santos, 1995 , p.28), with Guerreiro Ramos’ blunt cry given in an interview and used in the same introductory text: “Brazil is the most racist country in the world” (p.19). Fearful or not, he will propose a creative interpretation to destroy the discourse of racism in reverse, as it is inauthentic, false, alien within Brazilian historical formation (p.251).

The third point raised to be debated in the work is the thesis of “Guerreiro Ramos’ black personalism” (Barbosa, 2015, p.208). For the organizer, according to some supporting texts, the Bahian sociologist had a paternalistic vision, aimed at black individuals: “it was intended to be a praxis oriented towards people, and not towards other areas of social life: structures, society, economy, culture, nation, social groups, collectivities” (p.22).

This valid categorization emerges in some moments of the warrior texts, especially in the first five of Negro sou. However, this framework seems inconsistent when simplifying the entire work of this black intellectual, his various writings, his phases, his theoretical maturation. One of the texts highlighted by the compendiator to reinforce his thesis is the writing “The problem of the black in Brazilian sociology”, from 1954. However, it is in this same text that Guerreiro Ramos states that the “anthropological problems” of the Indian and the black are eminently political and economic (p.141). Still in it, he criticizes that anthropology based on a behavioral, dispersive theory, which is not articulated with the process of economic development” (p.141).

The organizer himself states that, in the fifties, for Guerreiro, “something could only be overcome with a structural transformation” (p.27) and not just through individual liberations (p.27). In summary, here we point out the inconsistency regarding the category of “black Warrior personalism” because it separates (or tries to separate) the dialectical movement (between the individual and the structure) of warrior thought. When carrying out this process of fitting this into a divided category, this thought starts to sound like it is directed at an incomplete and, at times, even passive praxis.

This same boxing in of Guerreiro’s thinking can be seen when, in the fourth topic selected here, he describes that Guerreiro Ramos defended “the construction of a truly national capitalism” as responsible for solving structural ills (p.27). It is true that in a preambular text the limits are strict and this may have justified the need to present some more objective, caricatural definitions.

In 1962, Guerreiro Ramos wrote the principles of the Brazilian Labor Party (PTB), the party in which he would become Federal Deputy. A central principle will be the defense of a socialism generated by particular Brazilian conditions (Ramos, 2016, p.294). The thesis of a national union crossed by class struggle appears both in Sociologia de la mortalidad infantil (1955) and in Myth and Truth of the Brazilian Revolution (1963).

In these terms, professor Luiz Eduardo Motta (2010) will conclude that Guerreiro Ramos “defended a third-world-inspired socialism” (Motta, 2010, p.93)..

Regionalization of world space during the Cold War (Third World in green) | Image: Nova Escola

These counterpoints do not seek to remove Guerreiro Ramos from one framework and place him in another. Based on the text “Dialectical pluralism” (p.253) and its statement of “living dialectically” (Ramos, 1995, p.258), always with praxis preceding theory (Ramos, 1995, p.260), This critical overview sought to point out the different movements, sometimes complementary, sometimes conflicting, of the guerrerian theoretical production. He aimed to present the complexity, although contradictory and little decipherable, of the warrior writings present in the book.

In 1937, at the age of 22, Guerreiro Ramos released his first book: The drama of being two. This book of poetry begins with a verse that crossed his path: “my song is the song of rebellion” (Ramos, 1937, p.07). The work Negro sou, organized by Muryatan Barbosa, rescues Guerreiro Ramos, inserts him into the effervescent racial debate and allows new analyses, interpretations, disputes and dialogues about the contributions and contradictions of his production to emerge. Allow his rebellious song to be heard again. Thus, despite specific criticisms of some categorizations present in the introduction to the work, the collection fulfilled the objective of portraying Guerreiro Ramos’ insertion in the racial debate, of dealing with coping strategies, some of them linked to the colonial situation. The work, therefore, should be read by all those who want to get closer to warrior thought on racial oppression and understand how it inserts it into the debate on national/colonial formation.


BARBOSA, Muryatan Santana.  Guerreiro Ramos e o personalismo negro. Jundiaí: Paco Editorial, 2015.

BARIANI, Edison. Padrão e salvação: o debate Florestan Fernandes x Guerreiro Ramos. Cronos, v. 7, n. 1, p.151-160, jan./jun., 2006. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 de jun., 2023.

CARDOSO, Lourenço. Branquitude acrítica e crítica: a supremacia racial e o branco antiracista. Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud, Manizales, v. 08, n. 01, p.607-630, jan./jun., 2010. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 de jun., 2023.

CARVALHO, Layla Daniele O equilíbrio de antagonismos e o niger sum: relações raciais em Gilberto Freyre e Guerreiro Ramos. Dissertação (Mestrado em Sociologia). Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, 2008.

MOTTA, Luiz Eduardo. A política do guerreiro: nacionalismo, revolução e socialismo no debate brasileiro dos anos 1960. Organizações e Sociedade, v. 17, n. 52, mar., 2010. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 de jun., 2023.

RAMOS, Alberto Guerreiro. Introdução crítica à sociologia brasileira. Rio de Janeiro: Editora UFRJ, 1995.

RAMOS, Alberto Guerreiro. Mito e verdade sobre a revolução brasileira. Florianópolis: Insular, 2016.

RAMOS, Alberto Guerreiro. Sociologia de la mortalidad infantil. México: Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, 1955.

RAMOS, Alberto Guerreiro. O drama de ser dois. Salvador: Sn., 1937.

SANTOS, Joel Rufino dos. O negro como lugar. In: RAMOS, Alberto Guerreiro. Introdução crítica à sociologia brasileira. Rio de Janeiro: Editora UFRJ, 1995, p.19-29.

SOUZA, Márcio Ferreira de. Guerreiro Ramos e o desenvolvimento nacional: a construção de um projeto para a nação. Belo Horizonte, MG: Argvmentvm, 2009.

Summary of Negro sou: a questão étnico-racial e o Brasil – ensaios, artigos e outros textos (1949-1973)

  • Nota da edição
  • Apresentação | Muryatan S. Barbosa
  • O negro no Brasil e um exame de consciência (1949)
  • Apresentação da grupoterapia (1950)
  • Teoria e prática do sociodrama (1950)
  • Apresentação da negritude (1950)
  • A Unesco e as relações de raça (1950)
  • Notícia sobre o I Congresso do Negro Brasileiro (1950)
  • Narcisismo branco do negro brasileiro (1950)
  • Senhores e escravos no Brasil (1950)
  • Os estudos sobre o negro brasileiro (1950)
  • Um herói da negritude (1952)
  • A Unesco e o negro carioca (1953)
  • Sociologia clínica de um baiano “claro” (1953)
  • O negro, a Unesco e o carreirismo (1953)
  • Uma redefinição do problema do negro (1953)
  • O problema do negro na sociologia brasileira (1954)
  • O negro desde dentro (1954)
  • A descida aos infernos (1954)
  • Semana do Negro de 1955 (1955)
  • Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo Trigueiro (1955)
  • Política de relações de raça no Brasil (1955)
  • Patologia social do “branco” brasileiro (1955)
  • O pluralismo dialético (1955)
  • Nacionalismo e xenofobia (1956)
  • Gilberto Freyre ou a obsolência (1956)
  • O problema da cultura nacional (1954)
  • A consciência crítica da realidade nacional (1958)
  • O mundo tribal de Abdias Nascimento (1971)
  • A fé artística de Abdias Nascimento (1973)
  • Notas
  • Fontes
  • Índice onomástico


Danilo dos Santos Rabelo has a master’s degree from th Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da Universidade Federal de Sergipe (PPGD-UFS), graduated in Direito from the same University. e is a PhD student in the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito at the Universidade de Brasília (PPGD/UNB). He is part of the “Núcleo de Estudos Afro-Brasileiros e Indígenas da Universidade Federal de Sergipe” (NEABI-UFS) and the “Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Cultura Jurídica e Atlântico Negro – Maré” da UnB. Among other works, he wrote: Entre o contorno legal da escravidão e o trabalhismo: a manutenção do racismo através de uma autonomia dependente, A Importância das narrativas na construção do ensino jurídico antirracista” (2021), Racismo e cidadania: o processo de vulnerabilização institucional do negro na modernidade (2022), os dois últimos em coautoria com Karyna Batista Sposato. ID: LATTES:; ID: ORCID:; Instagram: @dansrabelo; E-mail:

Para citar esta resenha

RAMOS, Alberto Guerreiro. Negro sou: a questão étnico-racial e o Brasil – ensaios, artigos e outros textos (1949-1973). Organization by Muryatan S. Barbosa. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2023. 323p. Review by: Danilo dos Santos Rabelo. Song of the forgotten rebel. Crítica Historiográfica. Natal, v.4, n.15, jan./feb., 2024. Available at <>.

© – Authors who publish in Historiographical Criticism agree to the distribution, remixing, adaptation and creation based on their texts, even for commercial purposes, as long as due credit for the original creations is guaranteed (CC BY-SA).


Crítica Historiográfica. Natal, v.4, n. 15, jan./feb., 2024 | ISSN 2764-2666



Song of the forgotten rebel — Danilo dos Santos Rabelo’s (PPGD-UNB) review of “Negro sou: a questão étnico-racial e o Brasil – ensaios, artigos e outros textos (1949–1973)” by Guerreiro Ramos, organized by Muryatan S. Barbosa

Alberto Guerreiro Ramos | Image: Ramos family collection/DW

Resumo: Negro sou: a questão étnico-racial e o Brasil – ensaios, artigos e outros textos (1949–1973), organizado por Muryatan S. Barbosa, é uma compilação de textos de Alberto Guerreiro Ramos que explora a questão étnico-racial e o Brasil entre 1949 e 1973. A obra ressalta a contribuição de Guerreiro Ramos nos debates raciais e sociais. Apesar de algumas inconsistências na seleção e apresentação dos textos, a coletânea oferece uma visão de suas ideias e contribuições ao debate sobre a opressão racial e a formação nacional/colonial no Brasil.

Palavras-chave: Guerreiro Ramos, Negro, Questão Étnico-Racial.

Abstract: Negro sou: a questão étnico-racial e o Brasil – ensaios, artigos e outros textos (1949–1973), organized by Muryatan S. Barbosa, is a compilation of texts by Alberto Guerreiro Ramos that explores the ethnic-racial issue and Brazil between 1949 and 1973. The work highlights Guerreiro Ramos’ contribution to racial and social debates. Despite some inconsistencies in the selection and presentation of the texts, the collection offers a vision of his ideas and contributions to the debate on racial oppression and national/colonial formation in Brazil.

Keywords: Guerreiro Ramos, Black, Ethnic-Racial Issue.

Alberto Guerreiro Ramos (1915–1982), born in Santo Amaro da Purificação, Bahia, was a black intellectual with varied professional activities: he was a sociologist, professor, public servant and Federal Deputy. Between the forties and sixties, he actively participated in academic and political debates on proposals that considered Brazilian social/racial formation and national development through an authentic and engaged theoretical interpretation. Guerreiro Ramos conjectured a project for Brazil. Muryatan Barbosa, the book’s organizer, is a historian and professor at the University of the Federal University of ABC and author of Guerreiro Ramos e o personalismo negro (2015). Negro sou: a questão étnico-racial e o Brasil – ensaios, artigos e outros textos (1949–1973) is made up of twenty-nine publications by Guerreiro Ramos, produced between 1949 and 1973, a period that spans from the beginning of his public involvement in racial issues until his exile, during the military dictatorship, in the south of the United States. The set brings together articles, essays, speeches collected in newspapers and in some scattered works. At this time of growth in editorial publications on the racial debate with gradual insertion in academia, the republication of Guerreiro Ramos’ production is essential and was celebrated by all those who had been waiting for it for a long time.

The collection is preceded by a presentation written by Muryatan Barbosa. It deals with the biography of Guerreiro Ramos, a summary of his main ideas, the reception of the ideas in that scenario, as well as the organizer’s interpretation of them. As this critical review is about the work Negro Sou which, although composed of warrior texts, will be constructed by textual choices and temporal cuts by the organizer, the presentation was taken as a reference for a dialogue with several texts from the collection. Thus, four main topics are raised and debated in this review: 1. the composition of the work’s texts and their order of presentation; 2. the construction of Guerreiro Ramos as a black intellectual and his approach to the racial debate; 3. an examination between the dialectical praxis of Guerreiro Ramos and the thesis of black personalism proposed by the organizer; 4. the dispute surrounding Guerreiro Ramos’ political-economic understanding.

The selection of texts is not very well explained. It is not known whether the writings on racial issues were excluded due to editorial limits or whether the twenty-nine texts are the result of everything that was located from Guerreiro Ramos’ writings on the topic during the period. Furthermore, after the last text (“The artistic faith of Abdias Nascimento”), the work ends. It does not have a conclusion or even an afterword. As Guerreiro Ramos was a black intellectual who has not had his main works republished for almost thirty years, most of the readers of this collection will probably have their first contact with the author. This greater care and detail would have the effect of enabling the reader to have a greater understanding of the warrior categories, the texts, the contexts, the classic clashes between Guerreiro Ramos and Florestan Fernandes (Bariani, 2006; Souza, 2009, p.101), Gilberto Freyre (Carvalho, 2008), Arthur Ramos (Ramos, 1995, p.187) and Álvaro Vieira Pinto (Ramos, 2016, p.263). There is also no explanation of the reasons for presenting the texts in their chronological order. This provision cannot be taken as a trivial matter, after all there are twenty-nine texts, with themes and textual modalities that differ from each other, in thematic and temporal terms.

Having commented on the composition and arrangement of the work’s texts, we move on to the debate around the second topic. The organizer highlights that, “centered on the ethnic-racial issue, the book may give the erroneous impression that in the 1950s and 1960s Guerreiro Ramos was recognized as a black intellectual and/or black militant” (p.13–14). At this point, it would be important for some evidence to be presented to strengthen the compendiator’s claim. In the sequence, it simply provides an inventory that demonstrates that Guerreiro Ramos also acted and wrote in other themes and fields. This fact would not make his recognition as a black intellectual impossible. It would be essentializing what a “black intellectual” is and what he could study and write, in isolation, to acquire such an adjective. It is worth remembering that Guerreiro Ramos was impeached and exiled by the Military Dictatorship of 1964 under the justification of being “mulatto, a sociologist” (p.18).

This same inconsistency is verified when presenting the crossing of the racial debate in Guerreiro Ramos. The organizer points out that Guerreiro was afraid of promoting “reverse racism” (p.21). This proposition, based on slippery moral/subjective criteria, seems to contrast with the pioneering of the guerrerian interpretation of white Brazilians (p.225–252), with the construction of black people as a place from which Brazil could be interpreted (Santos, 1995 , p.28), with Guerreiro Ramos’ blunt cry given in an interview and used in the same introductory text: “Brazil is the most racist country in the world” (p.19). Fearful or not, he will propose a creative interpretation to destroy the discourse of racism in reverse, as it is inauthentic, false, alien within Brazilian historical formation (p.251).

The third point raised to be debated in the work is the thesis of “Guerreiro Ramos’ black personalism” (Barbosa, 2015, p.208). For the organizer, according to some supporting texts, the Bahian sociologist had a paternalistic vision, aimed at black individuals: “it was intended to be a praxis oriented towards people, and not towards other areas of social life: structures, society, economy, culture, nation, social groups, collectivities” (p.22).

This valid categorization emerges in some moments of the warrior texts, especially in the first five of Negro sou. However, this framework seems inconsistent when simplifying the entire work of this black intellectual, his various writings, his phases, his theoretical maturation. One of the texts highlighted by the compendiator to reinforce his thesis is the writing “The problem of the black in Brazilian sociology”, from 1954. However, it is in this same text that Guerreiro Ramos states that the “anthropological problems” of the Indian and the black are eminently political and economic (p.141). Still in it, he criticizes that anthropology based on a behavioral, dispersive theory, which is not articulated with the process of economic development” (p.141).

The organizer himself states that, in the fifties, for Guerreiro, “something could only be overcome with a structural transformation” (p.27) and not just through individual liberations (p.27). In summary, here we point out the inconsistency regarding the category of “black Warrior personalism” because it separates (or tries to separate) the dialectical movement (between the individual and the structure) of warrior thought. When carrying out this process of fitting this into a divided category, this thought starts to sound like it is directed at an incomplete and, at times, even passive praxis.

This same boxing in of Guerreiro’s thinking can be seen when, in the fourth topic selected here, he describes that Guerreiro Ramos defended “the construction of a truly national capitalism” as responsible for solving structural ills (p.27). It is true that in a preambular text the limits are strict and this may have justified the need to present some more objective, caricatural definitions.

In 1962, Guerreiro Ramos wrote the principles of the Brazilian Labor Party (PTB), the party in which he would become Federal Deputy. A central principle will be the defense of a socialism generated by particular Brazilian conditions (Ramos, 2016, p.294). The thesis of a national union crossed by class struggle appears both in Sociologia de la mortalidad infantil (1955) and in Myth and Truth of the Brazilian Revolution (1963).

In these terms, professor Luiz Eduardo Motta (2010) will conclude that Guerreiro Ramos “defended a third-world-inspired socialism” (Motta, 2010, p.93)..

Regionalization of world space during the Cold War (Third World in green) | Image: Nova Escola

These counterpoints do not seek to remove Guerreiro Ramos from one framework and place him in another. Based on the text “Dialectical pluralism” (p.253) and its statement of “living dialectically” (Ramos, 1995, p.258), always with praxis preceding theory (Ramos, 1995, p.260), This critical overview sought to point out the different movements, sometimes complementary, sometimes conflicting, of the guerrerian theoretical production. He aimed to present the complexity, although contradictory and little decipherable, of the warrior writings present in the book.

In 1937, at the age of 22, Guerreiro Ramos released his first book: The drama of being two. This book of poetry begins with a verse that crossed his path: “my song is the song of rebellion” (Ramos, 1937, p.07). The work Negro sou, organized by Muryatan Barbosa, rescues Guerreiro Ramos, inserts him into the effervescent racial debate and allows new analyses, interpretations, disputes and dialogues about the contributions and contradictions of his production to emerge. Allow his rebellious song to be heard again. Thus, despite specific criticisms of some categorizations present in the introduction to the work, the collection fulfilled the objective of portraying Guerreiro Ramos’ insertion in the racial debate, of dealing with coping strategies, some of them linked to the colonial situation. The work, therefore, should be read by all those who want to get closer to warrior thought on racial oppression and understand how it inserts it into the debate on national/colonial formation.


BARBOSA, Muryatan Santana.  Guerreiro Ramos e o personalismo negro. Jundiaí: Paco Editorial, 2015.

BARIANI, Edison. Padrão e salvação: o debate Florestan Fernandes x Guerreiro Ramos. Cronos, v. 7, n. 1, p.151-160, jan./jun., 2006. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 de jun., 2023.

CARDOSO, Lourenço. Branquitude acrítica e crítica: a supremacia racial e o branco antiracista. Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud, Manizales, v. 08, n. 01, p.607-630, jan./jun., 2010. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 de jun., 2023.

CARVALHO, Layla Daniele O equilíbrio de antagonismos e o niger sum: relações raciais em Gilberto Freyre e Guerreiro Ramos. Dissertação (Mestrado em Sociologia). Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, 2008.

MOTTA, Luiz Eduardo. A política do guerreiro: nacionalismo, revolução e socialismo no debate brasileiro dos anos 1960. Organizações e Sociedade, v. 17, n. 52, mar., 2010. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 de jun., 2023.

RAMOS, Alberto Guerreiro. Introdução crítica à sociologia brasileira. Rio de Janeiro: Editora UFRJ, 1995.

RAMOS, Alberto Guerreiro. Mito e verdade sobre a revolução brasileira. Florianópolis: Insular, 2016.

RAMOS, Alberto Guerreiro. Sociologia de la mortalidad infantil. México: Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, 1955.

RAMOS, Alberto Guerreiro. O drama de ser dois. Salvador: Sn., 1937.

SANTOS, Joel Rufino dos. O negro como lugar. In: RAMOS, Alberto Guerreiro. Introdução crítica à sociologia brasileira. Rio de Janeiro: Editora UFRJ, 1995, p.19-29.

SOUZA, Márcio Ferreira de. Guerreiro Ramos e o desenvolvimento nacional: a construção de um projeto para a nação. Belo Horizonte, MG: Argvmentvm, 2009.

Summary of Negro sou: a questão étnico-racial e o Brasil – ensaios, artigos e outros textos (1949-1973)

  • Nota da edição
  • Apresentação | Muryatan S. Barbosa
  • O negro no Brasil e um exame de consciência (1949)
  • Apresentação da grupoterapia (1950)
  • Teoria e prática do sociodrama (1950)
  • Apresentação da negritude (1950)
  • A Unesco e as relações de raça (1950)
  • Notícia sobre o I Congresso do Negro Brasileiro (1950)
  • Narcisismo branco do negro brasileiro (1950)
  • Senhores e escravos no Brasil (1950)
  • Os estudos sobre o negro brasileiro (1950)
  • Um herói da negritude (1952)
  • A Unesco e o negro carioca (1953)
  • Sociologia clínica de um baiano “claro” (1953)
  • O negro, a Unesco e o carreirismo (1953)
  • Uma redefinição do problema do negro (1953)
  • O problema do negro na sociologia brasileira (1954)
  • O negro desde dentro (1954)
  • A descida aos infernos (1954)
  • Semana do Negro de 1955 (1955)
  • Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo Trigueiro (1955)
  • Política de relações de raça no Brasil (1955)
  • Patologia social do “branco” brasileiro (1955)
  • O pluralismo dialético (1955)
  • Nacionalismo e xenofobia (1956)
  • Gilberto Freyre ou a obsolência (1956)
  • O problema da cultura nacional (1954)
  • A consciência crítica da realidade nacional (1958)
  • O mundo tribal de Abdias Nascimento (1971)
  • A fé artística de Abdias Nascimento (1973)
  • Notas
  • Fontes
  • Índice onomástico


Danilo dos Santos Rabelo has a master’s degree from th Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da Universidade Federal de Sergipe (PPGD-UFS), graduated in Direito from the same University. e is a PhD student in the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito at the Universidade de Brasília (PPGD/UNB). He is part of the “Núcleo de Estudos Afro-Brasileiros e Indígenas da Universidade Federal de Sergipe” (NEABI-UFS) and the “Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Cultura Jurídica e Atlântico Negro – Maré” da UnB. Among other works, he wrote: Entre o contorno legal da escravidão e o trabalhismo: a manutenção do racismo através de uma autonomia dependente, A Importância das narrativas na construção do ensino jurídico antirracista” (2021), Racismo e cidadania: o processo de vulnerabilização institucional do negro na modernidade (2022), os dois últimos em coautoria com Karyna Batista Sposato. ID: LATTES:; ID: ORCID:; Instagram: @dansrabelo; E-mail:

Para citar esta resenha

RAMOS, Alberto Guerreiro. Negro sou: a questão étnico-racial e o Brasil – ensaios, artigos e outros textos (1949-1973). Organization by Muryatan S. Barbosa. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2023. 323p. Review by: Danilo dos Santos Rabelo. Song of the forgotten rebel. Crítica Historiográfica. Natal, v.4, n.15, jan./feb., 2024. Available at <>.

© – Authors who publish in Historiographical Criticism agree to the distribution, remixing, adaptation and creation based on their texts, even for commercial purposes, as long as due credit for the original creations is guaranteed (CC BY-SA).


Crítica Historiográfica. Natal, v.4, n. 15, jan./feb., 2024 | ISSN 2764-2666



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