Approaches to Historical Teaching – Resenha de Clivya Nobre’s (UFRN) review of “Histórias do Ensino de História: projetos de nação, materiais didáticos e trajetórias docentes”, by João Paulo Gama Oliveira, Lisiane Sias Manke e Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos

João Paulo Gama Oliveira, Lisiane Sias Manke and Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos | Imagens: UFS/UFPEL/Infonet

Abstract: João Paulo Gama Oliveira, Lisiane Sias Manke and Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos organized the work Histórias do Ensino de História: projetos de nação, materiais didáticos e trajetórias docentes. This collection brought together works on the history taught in Brazil, in primary, secondary and higher education, in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The texts analyze didactic resources and their uses, the trajectories of teachers, the projects to teach the history and the relations between national legislation, curricula, and classroom practices.

Keywords: History Teaching, History of Education, Pedagogical Practices.

Researchers João Paulo Gama Oliveira, Lisiane Sias Manke and Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos organized the work stories of Histórias do Ensino de História: projetos de nação, materiais didáticos e trajetórias docentes. This collection aimed to bring together works aimed at the approach of history taught in Brazil, in primary, secondary and higher education, in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, through the analysis of aspects such as didactic resources and their uses, the trajectories of teachers, Projects designed to teach it history and how they related to national legislation, curricula, and classroom practices. The publication resulted from the activities of the Interinstitutional Project History Teaching: Curriculum, Teaching Materials and Teaching Trajectories, which integrated researchers in the teaching of the History of Different Universities, under the coordination of the organizers of the work.

João Paulo Gama Oliveira has a doctorate and master’s degree in Education and Degree in History from the Federal University of Sergipe, an institution where he acts as an adjunct professor in the area of education. His research focuses on the topics related to the history of education and the teaching of history at secondary and higher levels, the educational heritage and the trajectories of intellectuals and teachers. Lisiane Sias Manke has a doctorate and master’s degree in Education and Graduation in History from the Federal University of Pelotas, an institution where she exercises teaching in the area of education. Thematic research related to the history of history teaching and the history of reading, book and written culture. Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos holds a degree in History, specialist in Religion Sciences and Master in Education from the Federal University of Sergipe, PhD in History from the Fluminense Federal University and is an adjunct professor in the area of History at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Its analyzes focus on the areas of history of teaching history, history of historiography, intellectuals, religiosities, academic and educational institutions.

The first chapter was written by Ane Luíse Silva Mecas Santos and Cristiano Ferranato. It characterized the values, demands and guidelines of education thinkers Ruy Barbosa, Thomaz Espíndola and Ulysses Vianna regarding the teaching of history, from the analysis of the opinion of the Empire Deputies Commission on the project of reform in public instruction. The use of historical sources, research, elements of the daily life of students and the surrounding narrative was highlighted for didactic purposes. Memorization and repetition of historical data were disapproved. Through this research, it is noted that some of the main criticisms made to the teaching of history retreat to the nineteenth century.

The second chapter has as its author Francisco de Jesus Santos. Aspects of Republican Political Culture Paulista present in school writing Lessons of History History, by Américo Braziliense were analyzed. In the works, a narrative that came from present to the past, through ephemeris, and the narrower and closest space of students, the province of São Paulo, to the most comprehensive, in national history, was identified in the works. In addition, the work was politically liberal, with a function of history as a “master of life”, a representation of moral values to be followed by the students. The first and second chapters demonstrated how the nineteenth -century Brazilian elite thought education and its ends for citizen, identity and patriotic formation.

Similar purposes, but focused on the twentieth century, were noticeable in the analysis of the life and work of intellectual João Baptista de Mello and Souza, in the third chapter, by Sônia Maria da Silva Gabriel and Arnaldo Pinto Júnior. In investigating the thesis written by Mello and Souza, the teaching of history in character formation, the intellectual orientation of the valorization of popular classes and culture, and the use of cinema, literature, radio and excursions in pedagogical praxis was identified. In addition, his writing evoked teaching through moral examples of historical figures. The article could be more fluid if the analysis of the main documentary source, the thesis of Mello and Souza was at the beginning of the writing, and the biographical and contextual considerations were distributed throughout the text, rather than concentrated in the early part.

João Paulo Gama Oliveira and Roselucia Teresa de Morais Oliveira were the co -authors of the fourth chapter. Arthur Forte’s teaching performance was discussed in the memories of his former students Joel Silveira, Felte Bezerra and Maria Thétis Nunes, and mentions were identified with his performance in student guards and his skills in oratory, writing and teaching, and The influence on the formation of alumni, and later colleagues in teaching, through a meeting between generations. The article presented a dialogue between the history of the teaching of history and history of intellectuals, through the analysis of itineraries and memories.

Aryana Lima Costa wrote the fifth chapter, approach to the pedagogical praxis of Jean Gagé, of the didactic planning, and the material produced for the History Chair of the Civilization of the History and Geography Course of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo (FFLCH-USP). Eurocentrism, valorization of historical neutrality, and articulation of data and argument on topics as an alternative to formation by data accumulation and memorization was identified. Therefore, Jean Gagé was considered a Higher Education Consolidator of History at USP.

The sixth chapter, by Vânia Cristina da Silva, investigated historical and pedagogical perspectives in the History Points of Brazil, by Professor Eudésia Vieira. Examples of life of political leaders were identified, fostering patriotic feelings, and Paraiban contributions to national history, similarly to the noted by Magno Santos as to the place of São Paulo in the writing of Américo Braziliense. That is, local elites have associated the history of provinces/states with the national narrative. In addition, Vânia Silva observed the highlight given by Eudesia Vieira to indigenous history and the resistance of black enslaved.

The Seventh Chapter, by Osvaldo Rodrigues Júnior, analyzed guidelines by Professor Lydinea Gasman in the Teaching Manuals Methodological Guide (1971) and historical sources (1978), as active students in learning, school adaptation to business logic, educational technicism, and use of sources historical. Gasman criticized factual history, simplification and highlight to the picturesque, and argued in favor of the discipline of social studies as a means for interdisciplinarity. The link was noted between the guidelines and demands of the military regime. The article could integrate more aspects of Lydinea Gasman’s career with the investigation of sources, as well as the theoretical discussion about the authorship analysis category.

The eighth chapter, by Doris Bittencourt Almeida, analyzed school culture and multipurpose teaching practices at the college of application of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (CAP/UFRGS) between 1978 and 1986, in the notes of the Professor of Social Studies and Multipurpose Teaching Isabel Loss. High mention was identified on civic themes, and corrections to the behavior of the students in human classes as a result of the influence of the military regime.

Escolas cívico-militares | Image: CPERS

However, it was noted resistance to these pressures, criticism of civic symbols, stereotypes on black and indigenous, colonial heritage, and vanguard in teaching, field classes, encouraging reading and production of poetry, discussion of controversial themes and current (as examples the black and the constituent movement), and interdisciplinarity.

The ninth and last chapter of the work was the article by Lisiane Sias Manke, about production and uses of the textbook OSPB: introduction to Brazilian politics by Frei Betto. Relationships of the period of publication were perceived, the 1980s, democratic social demands, and the objectives of the Ática Editora, in the invitation of the progressive intellectual for authorship. The work criticized aspects of the capitalist system, although the discipline of Brazilian social and political organization is popularly associated with conservatism. The work instrumentalized curriculum reforms and student representation in schools.

The collection, therefore, fulfills the announced objectives, when it contributes to the field of history teaching, by presenting to the reader different possibilities of questions, objects, concepts, sources and research approaches in the area. In addition, it arouses reflection on the relationship between teachers, students, society, political and intellectual elites, their influences, approximations, disagreements, guidelines and resistance, especially the plurality of their characteristics, which puts in check generalizations. The dialogue between areas such as History Teaching, History of Intellectuals, Political History and Cultural History was another contribution of the work.

Summary of Histórias do Ensino de História: projetos de nação, materiais didáticos e trajetórias docentes.

  • Prefácio | Thais Nívia de Lima e Fonseca
  • Apresentação
  • I. Professores de História e projetos de nação
  • 1. ‘Afortunados os povos que não têm História’: Ruy Barbosa, os pareceres da instrução pública e o ensino de História no Império do Brasil oitocentista | Ane Luíse Silva Mecenas Santos e Cristiano Ferronato
  • 2. ‘Aos que tivessem avidez de saber das cousas pátrias’: Américo Braziliense, a escrita da História escolar e a invenção do espaço paulista (1873-1879) | Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos
  • 3. João Baptista de Mello e Souza: trajetórias e memórias de um professor de História | Sônia Maria da Silva e Gabriel Arnaldo Pinto Junior
  • 4. Arthur Fortes: um professor de História da primeira metade do século XX pelas memórias de seus alunos | João Paulo Gama Oliveira Roselusia e Teresa de Morais Oliveira
  • 5. Jean Gagé: um professor na Cadeira de História da Civilização da USP (1938-1946) | Aryana Costa
  • II. Materiais didáticos e o estudo da História
  • 6. ‘Futuro da humanidade, progresso do patriotismo’: Eudésia Vieira e o livro didático Pontos de História do Brasil | Vânia Cristina da Silva
  • 7. Em defesa dos Estudos Sociais: a escrita didática de Lydinea Gasman | Osvaldo Rodrigues Junior
  • 8. Em meio a cadernos de uma professora polivalente: um estudo sobre práticas das aulas de estudos sociais (Colégio da Aplicação/UFRGS – 1978-1986) | Dóris Bittencourt Almeida
  • 9. O livro didático OSPB: Introdução à Política Brasileira: das circunstâncias de produção aos usos (1986-1993) | Lisiane Sias Manke


Clivya Nobre has a master’s degree in History from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Published, among other works, A escrita de Tarcísio Medeiros na Revista do IHGRN: política e intelectualidade, Memória sobre os outros, memória sobre si: representações da prática docente no curso de história da UFRN, pelo olhar da “geração de 1976, e Professores, gestores e a produção da Faculdade de Filosofia de Natal e de seu Curso de História (1955–1956). ID LATTES:; ID ORCID: E-mail: [email protected].

To cite this review

OLIVEIRA, João Paulo Gama; MANKE, Lisiane Sias; SANTOS, Magno Francisco de Jesus (org.). Histórias do Ensino de História: projetos de nação, materiais didáticos e trajetórias docentes. Recife: EDUPE, 2020. 244p. Review by: NOBRE, Clivya. Approaches to Historical Teaching. Crítica Historiográfica. Natal, v.3, n.13, Sep/Oct, 2023. Available at <Approaches to Historical Teaching – Resenha de Clivya Nobre’s (UFRN) review of “Histórias do Ensino de História: projetos de nação, materiais didáticos e trajetórias docentes”, by João Paulo Gama Oliveira, Lisiane Sias Manke e Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos – Crítica Historiografica (>.

© – The authors who publish in historiographical criticism agree with the distribution, remixing, adaptation and creation from their texts, even for commercial purposes, provided that the proper credits are guaranteed by the original creations. (CC by-SA).


Crítica Historiográfica. Natal, v.3, n. 13, Sep/Oct, 2023 | ISSN 2764-2666



Approaches to Historical Teaching – Resenha de Clivya Nobre’s (UFRN) review of “Histórias do Ensino de História: projetos de nação, materiais didáticos e trajetórias docentes”, by João Paulo Gama Oliveira, Lisiane Sias Manke e Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos

João Paulo Gama Oliveira, Lisiane Sias Manke and Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos | Imagens: UFS/UFPEL/Infonet

Abstract: João Paulo Gama Oliveira, Lisiane Sias Manke and Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos organized the work Histórias do Ensino de História: projetos de nação, materiais didáticos e trajetórias docentes. This collection brought together works on the history taught in Brazil, in primary, secondary and higher education, in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The texts analyze didactic resources and their uses, the trajectories of teachers, the projects to teach the history and the relations between national legislation, curricula, and classroom practices.

Keywords: History Teaching, History of Education, Pedagogical Practices.

Researchers João Paulo Gama Oliveira, Lisiane Sias Manke and Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos organized the work stories of Histórias do Ensino de História: projetos de nação, materiais didáticos e trajetórias docentes. This collection aimed to bring together works aimed at the approach of history taught in Brazil, in primary, secondary and higher education, in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, through the analysis of aspects such as didactic resources and their uses, the trajectories of teachers, Projects designed to teach it history and how they related to national legislation, curricula, and classroom practices. The publication resulted from the activities of the Interinstitutional Project History Teaching: Curriculum, Teaching Materials and Teaching Trajectories, which integrated researchers in the teaching of the History of Different Universities, under the coordination of the organizers of the work.

João Paulo Gama Oliveira has a doctorate and master’s degree in Education and Degree in History from the Federal University of Sergipe, an institution where he acts as an adjunct professor in the area of education. His research focuses on the topics related to the history of education and the teaching of history at secondary and higher levels, the educational heritage and the trajectories of intellectuals and teachers. Lisiane Sias Manke has a doctorate and master’s degree in Education and Graduation in History from the Federal University of Pelotas, an institution where she exercises teaching in the area of education. Thematic research related to the history of history teaching and the history of reading, book and written culture. Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos holds a degree in History, specialist in Religion Sciences and Master in Education from the Federal University of Sergipe, PhD in History from the Fluminense Federal University and is an adjunct professor in the area of History at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Its analyzes focus on the areas of history of teaching history, history of historiography, intellectuals, religiosities, academic and educational institutions.

The first chapter was written by Ane Luíse Silva Mecas Santos and Cristiano Ferranato. It characterized the values, demands and guidelines of education thinkers Ruy Barbosa, Thomaz Espíndola and Ulysses Vianna regarding the teaching of history, from the analysis of the opinion of the Empire Deputies Commission on the project of reform in public instruction. The use of historical sources, research, elements of the daily life of students and the surrounding narrative was highlighted for didactic purposes. Memorization and repetition of historical data were disapproved. Through this research, it is noted that some of the main criticisms made to the teaching of history retreat to the nineteenth century.

The second chapter has as its author Francisco de Jesus Santos. Aspects of Republican Political Culture Paulista present in school writing Lessons of History History, by Américo Braziliense were analyzed. In the works, a narrative that came from present to the past, through ephemeris, and the narrower and closest space of students, the province of São Paulo, to the most comprehensive, in national history, was identified in the works. In addition, the work was politically liberal, with a function of history as a “master of life”, a representation of moral values to be followed by the students. The first and second chapters demonstrated how the nineteenth -century Brazilian elite thought education and its ends for citizen, identity and patriotic formation.

Similar purposes, but focused on the twentieth century, were noticeable in the analysis of the life and work of intellectual João Baptista de Mello and Souza, in the third chapter, by Sônia Maria da Silva Gabriel and Arnaldo Pinto Júnior. In investigating the thesis written by Mello and Souza, the teaching of history in character formation, the intellectual orientation of the valorization of popular classes and culture, and the use of cinema, literature, radio and excursions in pedagogical praxis was identified. In addition, his writing evoked teaching through moral examples of historical figures. The article could be more fluid if the analysis of the main documentary source, the thesis of Mello and Souza was at the beginning of the writing, and the biographical and contextual considerations were distributed throughout the text, rather than concentrated in the early part.

João Paulo Gama Oliveira and Roselucia Teresa de Morais Oliveira were the co -authors of the fourth chapter. Arthur Forte’s teaching performance was discussed in the memories of his former students Joel Silveira, Felte Bezerra and Maria Thétis Nunes, and mentions were identified with his performance in student guards and his skills in oratory, writing and teaching, and The influence on the formation of alumni, and later colleagues in teaching, through a meeting between generations. The article presented a dialogue between the history of the teaching of history and history of intellectuals, through the analysis of itineraries and memories.

Aryana Lima Costa wrote the fifth chapter, approach to the pedagogical praxis of Jean Gagé, of the didactic planning, and the material produced for the History Chair of the Civilization of the History and Geography Course of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo (FFLCH-USP). Eurocentrism, valorization of historical neutrality, and articulation of data and argument on topics as an alternative to formation by data accumulation and memorization was identified. Therefore, Jean Gagé was considered a Higher Education Consolidator of History at USP.

The sixth chapter, by Vânia Cristina da Silva, investigated historical and pedagogical perspectives in the History Points of Brazil, by Professor Eudésia Vieira. Examples of life of political leaders were identified, fostering patriotic feelings, and Paraiban contributions to national history, similarly to the noted by Magno Santos as to the place of São Paulo in the writing of Américo Braziliense. That is, local elites have associated the history of provinces/states with the national narrative. In addition, Vânia Silva observed the highlight given by Eudesia Vieira to indigenous history and the resistance of black enslaved.

The Seventh Chapter, by Osvaldo Rodrigues Júnior, analyzed guidelines by Professor Lydinea Gasman in the Teaching Manuals Methodological Guide (1971) and historical sources (1978), as active students in learning, school adaptation to business logic, educational technicism, and use of sources historical. Gasman criticized factual history, simplification and highlight to the picturesque, and argued in favor of the discipline of social studies as a means for interdisciplinarity. The link was noted between the guidelines and demands of the military regime. The article could integrate more aspects of Lydinea Gasman’s career with the investigation of sources, as well as the theoretical discussion about the authorship analysis category.

The eighth chapter, by Doris Bittencourt Almeida, analyzed school culture and multipurpose teaching practices at the college of application of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (CAP/UFRGS) between 1978 and 1986, in the notes of the Professor of Social Studies and Multipurpose Teaching Isabel Loss. High mention was identified on civic themes, and corrections to the behavior of the students in human classes as a result of the influence of the military regime.

Escolas cívico-militares | Image: CPERS

However, it was noted resistance to these pressures, criticism of civic symbols, stereotypes on black and indigenous, colonial heritage, and vanguard in teaching, field classes, encouraging reading and production of poetry, discussion of controversial themes and current (as examples the black and the constituent movement), and interdisciplinarity.

The ninth and last chapter of the work was the article by Lisiane Sias Manke, about production and uses of the textbook OSPB: introduction to Brazilian politics by Frei Betto. Relationships of the period of publication were perceived, the 1980s, democratic social demands, and the objectives of the Ática Editora, in the invitation of the progressive intellectual for authorship. The work criticized aspects of the capitalist system, although the discipline of Brazilian social and political organization is popularly associated with conservatism. The work instrumentalized curriculum reforms and student representation in schools.

The collection, therefore, fulfills the announced objectives, when it contributes to the field of history teaching, by presenting to the reader different possibilities of questions, objects, concepts, sources and research approaches in the area. In addition, it arouses reflection on the relationship between teachers, students, society, political and intellectual elites, their influences, approximations, disagreements, guidelines and resistance, especially the plurality of their characteristics, which puts in check generalizations. The dialogue between areas such as History Teaching, History of Intellectuals, Political History and Cultural History was another contribution of the work.

Summary of Histórias do Ensino de História: projetos de nação, materiais didáticos e trajetórias docentes.

  • Prefácio | Thais Nívia de Lima e Fonseca
  • Apresentação
  • I. Professores de História e projetos de nação
  • 1. ‘Afortunados os povos que não têm História’: Ruy Barbosa, os pareceres da instrução pública e o ensino de História no Império do Brasil oitocentista | Ane Luíse Silva Mecenas Santos e Cristiano Ferronato
  • 2. ‘Aos que tivessem avidez de saber das cousas pátrias’: Américo Braziliense, a escrita da História escolar e a invenção do espaço paulista (1873-1879) | Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos
  • 3. João Baptista de Mello e Souza: trajetórias e memórias de um professor de História | Sônia Maria da Silva e Gabriel Arnaldo Pinto Junior
  • 4. Arthur Fortes: um professor de História da primeira metade do século XX pelas memórias de seus alunos | João Paulo Gama Oliveira Roselusia e Teresa de Morais Oliveira
  • 5. Jean Gagé: um professor na Cadeira de História da Civilização da USP (1938-1946) | Aryana Costa
  • II. Materiais didáticos e o estudo da História
  • 6. ‘Futuro da humanidade, progresso do patriotismo’: Eudésia Vieira e o livro didático Pontos de História do Brasil | Vânia Cristina da Silva
  • 7. Em defesa dos Estudos Sociais: a escrita didática de Lydinea Gasman | Osvaldo Rodrigues Junior
  • 8. Em meio a cadernos de uma professora polivalente: um estudo sobre práticas das aulas de estudos sociais (Colégio da Aplicação/UFRGS – 1978-1986) | Dóris Bittencourt Almeida
  • 9. O livro didático OSPB: Introdução à Política Brasileira: das circunstâncias de produção aos usos (1986-1993) | Lisiane Sias Manke


Clivya Nobre has a master’s degree in History from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Published, among other works, A escrita de Tarcísio Medeiros na Revista do IHGRN: política e intelectualidade, Memória sobre os outros, memória sobre si: representações da prática docente no curso de história da UFRN, pelo olhar da “geração de 1976, e Professores, gestores e a produção da Faculdade de Filosofia de Natal e de seu Curso de História (1955–1956). ID LATTES:; ID ORCID: E-mail: [email protected].

To cite this review

OLIVEIRA, João Paulo Gama; MANKE, Lisiane Sias; SANTOS, Magno Francisco de Jesus (org.). Histórias do Ensino de História: projetos de nação, materiais didáticos e trajetórias docentes. Recife: EDUPE, 2020. 244p. Review by: NOBRE, Clivya. Approaches to Historical Teaching. Crítica Historiográfica. Natal, v.3, n.13, Sep/Oct, 2023. Available at <Approaches to Historical Teaching – Resenha de Clivya Nobre’s (UFRN) review of “Histórias do Ensino de História: projetos de nação, materiais didáticos e trajetórias docentes”, by João Paulo Gama Oliveira, Lisiane Sias Manke e Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos – Crítica Historiografica (>.

© – The authors who publish in historiographical criticism agree with the distribution, remixing, adaptation and creation from their texts, even for commercial purposes, provided that the proper credits are guaranteed by the original creations. (CC by-SA).


Crítica Historiográfica. Natal, v.3, n. 13, Sep/Oct, 2023 | ISSN 2764-2666



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